The Investors Council continues organizing workshop series for the private sector representatives. The topic of the workshop held on 12th of June was “family-friendly workplace in the private sector”.
Mr. Giorgi Cherkezishvili, Head of the Investors Council Secretariat addressed the attendees with a welcome speech and elaborated on the workshop’s objectives. Ms. Anna Iluridze, Gender Expert of the Investors Council Secretariat reviewed the concept and practices of the family-friendly workplace in the private sector companies.
The UN Women representative, Ms. Natia Mestvirishvili delivered a comprehensive presentation on Time-Use Study results in Georgia. Ms. Tamara Tsitskishvili from BDO Georgia and Ms. Izabela Kandelaki from Terabank talked about which family-friendly policies are incorporated in their companies.
The workshop was finalized by an interactive group work moderated by Ms. Maya Kobalia from Crystal.