Workshop: Family-friendly workplace in the private sector

12 Jun 2023

The Investors Council continues organizing workshop series for the private sector representatives. The topic of the workshop held on 12th of June was “family-friendly workplace in the private sector”.

Mr. Giorgi Cherkezishvili, Head of the Investors Council Secretariat addressed the attendees with a welcome speech and elaborated on the workshop’s objectives. Ms. Anna Iluridze, Gender Expert of the Investors Council Secretariat reviewed the concept and practices of the family-friendly workplace in the private sector companies.  

The UN Women representative, Ms. Natia Mestvirishvili delivered a comprehensive presentation on Time-Use Study results in Georgia.  Ms. Tamara Tsitskishvili from BDO Georgia and Ms. Izabela Kandelaki from Terabank talked about which family-friendly policies are incorporated in their companies.

The workshop was finalized by an interactive group work moderated by Ms. Maya Kobalia from Crystal.